Denver and Boulder Monthly Meetings: “San Francisco Press Conference” June 2011

This month we are pleased to present the historic San Francisco Press Conference held February 19, 2010, by Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.  At this event, a special panel of guests commemorates having reached the critical milestone of 1000 (now over 1500) architect and engineer petition signers–all demanding a real investigation into the explosive demolition of the 3 World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11/01.

Although this event was over a year ago, the message is fresh, and there is something very special about this particular panel of speakers.  Not only are they leading lights in the movement for 9/11 Truth, you can feel the strength and support they receive from appearing together.  It’s an excellent multi-media examination of the most recent scientific forensic evidence and eyewitness testimony.

This film is very suitable for friends new to this topic as well as those well versed in the subject matter.  See below for more details. [Read more…]

Denver and Boulder Monthly Meetings: “Firehouse 911” May 2011

1) This month, we are pleased to present Firehouse 911, the video about 9/11 by firefighters for firefighters, and everyone else.  There is currently underway a campaign to send this DVD to every firehouse in America.

2) We will also review the absurdity-filled and ever-changing Osama bin Laden death story with several video and audio clips.
Details of these presentations are below.

Mark your calendars!  Colorado 9/11 Visibility Video and Action Meetings are held the 3rd Friday of each month in Denver. [Read more…]