NIST Action, Wednesday, July 11: Join Us!

Please join us for an “11th of the month” action in front of NIST in Boulder next Wednesday, July 11, from 3 to 6 PM (or later if folks want to stay). This is a joint action with We Are Change Colorado, Colorado 9/11 Visibility, and Boulder 9/11 Visibility.  Meet any time you can get there at the corner of Broadway and Rayleigh in South Boulder.  The address for NIST is 325 South Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305.

Parking: There is an RTD Park and Ride at the northeast corner of Broadway and 27th Way, directly across from NIST.  You access it by turning onto 27th from Broadway, then go one block and turn left into the Park and Ride.  There is also parking in the neighborhood on Lashley Lane directly across from the light at Broadway and Rayleigh.  You can access it by turning east from Broadway onto Ash just south of NIST.

Bring signs or just show up as numbers are important for such a large venue.  It’s really fun, and in three hours, we can get a message to over 10,000 people driving by.  Not a bad day’s work!!

We hope to see you this Wednesday!

Denver, Boulder, and Grand Junction Monthly Meetings: “Pax Americana and the Weaponization of Space” April 2012

Some people don’t want to hear this, but we’re going to fight in space. We’re going to fight from space, and we’re going to fight into space.   ~Joseph W. Ashy, Commander-in-Chief of US Strategic Command

This month, Colorado 9/11 Visibility will present Pax Americana and the Weaponization of Space.  (Denis Delestrac, France/Canada, 2010, 85 minutes. Award winning documentary at 11 international film festivals.)

Film Description:

Star Wars is no longer science fiction.

The prospect of Earth being ruled from space is no longer science fiction. The dream of the original Dr. Strangelove, Wernher von Braun (from Nazi rocket-scientist to NASA director), has survived every US administration since WW2 and is coming to life. Today the technology exists to weaponize space, a massive American industry thrives, and nations are maneuvering for advantage.

Pax Americana tackles this pivotal moment. Are war machines already orbiting Earth? Can treaties keep space weapons-free? Must the world capitulate to one super-cop on the global beat?

With startling archival footage (especially of Operation Paperclip) and unprecedented access to US Air Force Space Command, this elegant, forceful documentary reveals the state of play through generals, space-policy analysts, politicians, diplomats, peace activists, and hawks.

The question we must ask ourselves along with the film makers: Must we have a Pax Americana based on the failed attempts of past empires, or are we able to work toward a Pax Universalis, in which there is a world community of self-determining nations helping each other grow and prosper?

If we move to the weaponization of space, we can bid farewell to the planet. The chances of survival are very slight.  ~Noam Chomsky (quote from the film) [Read more…]

Denver, Boulder, and Grand Junction Monthly Meetings: “You, Me and the SPP” March 2012

What do secrecy, police provocateurs, an assault on democracy, and infringements on citizens’ rights have in common?

The answer? The Security Prosperity Partnership (SPP).

Colorado 9/11 Visibility is proud to present this month the latest, feature length, documentary film by Paul Manly, You, Me and the SPP, which exposes the latest manifestation of a corporatist agenda that is undermining the democratic authority of the citizens of North America.

Film Description:
Two processes, the Security Prosperity Partnership (SPP) and the Trade Investment Labour Mobility Agreement (TILMA), are rapidly eroding and eliminating standards, civil liberties, regulatory systems, and institutions put in place over generations through the democratic process. Proponents of the SPP and TILMA say that they are needed to keep trade flowing; opponents say these agreements not only undermine the democratic authority of citizens, they threaten the sovereignty of the three nations through the integration of military, security structures, and regulatory regimes. [Read more…]