This website is kept up as an archive of past accomplishments. Colorado 9-11 Visibility no longer active. is a multipartisan group of Colorado citizens dedicated to educating the public about what really happened on 9/11.
Our goals are:
•full public disclosure of and accountability for the events of 9/11, via an independent investigation willing to follow the truth wherever it leads.
•the restoration of human rights and civil liberties lost in the aftermath of 9/11.
•the cessation of “false-flag” terrorist events, perpetrated by hidden parties with the goal of mobilizing public opinion against a predetermined enemy.
We strive to maintain the highest standards of evidence and ethics and resist unfounded speculation and disinformation.
Basic Issues
It is our firm belief that the official story of the events of 9/11, including the 9/11 Commission Report of 2004, is riddled with untruths, unanswered questions, withholding of information, and coverup. The evidence strongly indicates that the attacks on 9/11 were intentionally supported or engineered by elements of the US national security state. The purpose appears to have been to mobilize the population in support of a false “global war on terror” whose hidden agenda is empire, profit, and the control of other nations and their resources by use of force. We believe that real security and peace for all nations cannot be achieved through domination by a superpower, but only by freely chosen mutual respect and cooperation.
The media and the investigative journalists of our day are for the most part failing in their responsibility to fully investigate these events and provide the historical context in which to understand them. Therefore the responsibility falls to ordinary citizens to carry out this important educational work as best we can. It is urgent that we educate as many people as possible about the existence of “false flag operations”—incidents in which governments secretly sponsor attacks on their own citizens in order to create a climate of fear and foster support for preplanned war on a desired enemy. We must take this weapon of mass deception away from our governments by insisting on a complete and transparent investigation of all such events, including but not limited to 9/11.
We encourage you to evaluate the available information about the events of 9/11 and come to your own conclusions. is not primarily a research site, as our focus is local educational activity. However, there are many other sites whose specialty is making this information available online. We recommend beginning your journey with the links we recommend at this website.
“Whereas many disturbing facts were consciously ignored by the 9/11 Commission; Be it resolved, therefore, that the CDP calls for the establishment of a truly independent Grand Jury and public investigation into these and other anomalies in order to find the truth of the September 11, 2001 attacks, so that we have a greater probability of preventing attacks of this nature in the future.” The 2010 Colorado Democratic Party (CDP) platform (page 31/54)
Colorado 9/11 Visibility strives to know the truth about the events of September 11, 2001, as well as any other “false flag operation” or “state crime against democracy” (SCAD). There can be no peace without justice, and there can be no justice without truth.
– We recognize that people in power have a tendency to abuse power and are rarely motivated to reform themselves; thus we insist on full disclosure of and accountability for all SCAD events.
– We continue to educate ourselves and others about the events of 9/11. Much truth that contradicts the official story is already well established but is suppressed by our mainstream media. While we need a legitimate and unbiased investigation, there is much we can do right now to spread the truth and undermine support for war abroad and loss of liberties at home.
– We strive not for conformity but for truth. To this end, we endeavor to understand and overcome our psychological tendencies toward unwarranted trust in authority.
– We strive not for comfort, but for truth. To this end, we endeavor to recognize and overcome our discomfort with evidence that contradicts our worldview, and to develop our powers of observation, discernment, and critical thinking, while resisting the temptation to engage in unfounded speculation. We strive to honor the spirit of truth and denounce all individuals, groups, and organizations which promote unfounded, unreliable statements as truth when in reality they are spreading disinformation which harms the truth movement as a whole. Disinformation and those who promote it, whether intentional or not will not be tolerated.
– We recognize and squarely face the fact that there have always been those among us who are emotionally wounded, separated from their deepest humanity, and therefore capable of unspeakable acts of exploitation, deception, and violence.
– We aspire to walk in the spirit of Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., and others who have courageously modeled the principles of nonviolence and compassion. We strive not for revenge but only for truth, justice, and peace.