Colorado 9/11 Visibility on Colorado Public Broadcasting Station KBDI Channel 12 in Denver…Again!

On March 5th 2009 the local PBS station, KBDI Channel 12, in Denver Colorado broadcast the groundbreaking expose, America: Freedom To Fascism to raise funds for the station. They invited volunteers from Colorado 911 Visibility to run the phone bank. In this clip Earl Staelin is interviewed about some of  the points of that day in September that we still don’t have answers for.

To support KBDI please consider making a pledge so they can continue broadcasting the message to truth to the American people.

1-800-690-5234 or

IF YOU CANNOT make a pledge please call them and thank them for their support of our message.

Creative 9/11 Truth Action on PBS Auction –

Special thanks to We Are Change Colorado and Colorado 9-11 Visibility, and of course, KBDI Channel 12 Denver Colorado.

Words of Freedom Welcomes Tim Boyle, Colorado 9-11 Visibility

tim-boyleThis week, Words of Freedom host Michael Wolsey welcomes Tim Boyle, 9-11 activist and co-founding member of Colorado 9-11 Visibility. Tim has been active in the Denver area since 2004 and has been an integral part of the 9-11 Truth Movement in Colorado. Tim has organized several large 9-11 events in Colorado and has traveled the country seeking answers to the questions of 9-11.

Words of Freedom airs on KRFC 88.9 FM in Fort Collins Colorado and is heard worldwide on the web at every Monday evening at 5:30 p.m. Mountain Time.  Michael Wolsey is the host of Visibility 9-11, the podcast dedicated to exposing the fraud of the official story of September 11th, 2001 and along with George Flynn, co-hosts the weekly Words of Freedom broadcast on KRFC.

Direct download: WOF_colorado911visibility.mp3