Press Advisory: Denver Architects Convention Challenged with New 9/11 WTC Evidence

AE911Truth Contact: Kelly David
Phone: (925) 939-9002

Denver Architects Convention Challenged
with New 9/11 WTC Evidence

Public Invited to June 21 Presentation

Group says official reports Deeply Flawed
Calls for New Investigation

Local Contact: Frances Shure
Phone:  303-909-2053
Non-profit org: Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth
Announcing:  Richard Gage, AIA, Architect and founder of AE911Truth

Live Presentation – June 21, 2013, 7:00pm, Rm #110
Evidence Booth –  June 20 – 22, Exhibition Floor – #1355

Where: Colorado Convention Center, 700 14th St., Denver, CO
Topic:  “Did You Know a Third Tower Fell on 9/11 – WTC Building 7”

Denver, CO — Thursday June 20 through Saturday June 22, the nonprofit group Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth), will host the new evidence at an exhibitor’s booth at the 2013 annual convention of the American Institute of Architects.

AE911Truth founder and CEO Richard Gage, AIA, Architect will be presenting the new evidence in a controversial multimedia presentation with Q&A on Friday night June 21 at 7pm in Room #110 also at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver.

Gage represents more than 1,900 licensed and/or degreed architects and engineers who have signed a petition calling for a new, independent investigation into the 9/11 attacks. These building professionals are joined by more than 17,000 other supporters, including a broad professional cross-section of American society, including chemists, physicists, current and former service members, and others. Video loops and free literature will be on hand to help booth visitors understand the group’s evidence and concerns.

Their milestone DVD 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out, which was aired/pledged locally at PBS affiliate Colorado Public TV, will be provided to the 14,000 architects in attendance. The documentary, which features 43 technical and building experts including high-rise architects, structural and fire protection engineers, etc., had become the most watched & shared video on the national website.

Volunteers will be presenting scientific evidence that the group says contradicts the official explanation of what brought down the World Trade Center twin towers and little-known Building 7.

The group’s website cites evidence for explosive demolition as the cause of the destruction of the three World Trade Center towers on 9/11. AE911Truth points in particular to the destruction of a third skyscraper, 47-story World Trade Center 7. This building was not hit by an aircraft, yet collapsed straight down in less than seven seconds for more than 100 feet of free-fall – showing no resistance at all. Experts note that this undisputed fact alone rules out the official collapse explanation, which is based only on fire.

Free-fall means that virtually all of the supporting heavy steel structure was shattered and moved out of the way by something other than the weight of the upper section. If the upper section had been crushing weakened, overloaded steel, the collapse would necessarily have proceeded at a slower pace than free-fall. According to the group, this follows from simple high school physics.

NIST, the federal agency last assigned to investigate the destruction, admitted both of the key facts above, after being confronted by physics instructor David Chandler at a technical briefing. Yet the agency left unchanged its conclusion that fire alone brought down these steel-framed skyscrapers, for the first time in history, evenly, rapidly, and exactly in the manner of a classic controlled demolition.

Both the 9/11 Commission Report and the leader of the NIST study admitted that the twin towers also came down “essentially in free fall.” Yet the vast majority of the NIST report on the twin towers admittedly analyzed only the conditions that brought the buildings to the point where they were poised for collapse, without analyzing the details of the collapses themselves. The report’s authors complained of inadequate computer power to conduct a simulation of the actual collapses.

Yet several simple computer simulations written by independent researchers, notably those by Jim Hoffman ( and Stephen Keeling ( have been available online for many years now. They show that on very conservative assumptions, the destruction of each tower should have taken much longer or should have come to a halt long before reaching the ground.

AE911Truth bases its conclusions solely on forensic evidence and does not engage in conspiracy theories or in assigning blame for the destruction. The group’s conclusions are shared by hundreds of scientists, senior-level military, intelligence and government officials; pilots and aviation professionals; scholars and university professors; 9/11 survivors and family members; and media professionals around the world.

Not a Fringe Phenomenon

The 9/11 Truth movement, which Time magazine called “a mainstream political reality,” is gaining rapid momentum.  Gage has presented more than 300 times at events covering 82 U.S. Cities and 27 foreign countries.  Fox TV’s KMPH (Fresno) interview of Gage attained over 200,000 YouTube views in two weeks.

Energetic Material Found in World Trade Center Dust

A Danish chemist, AE911Truth petition signer Dr. Niels Harrit, was interviewed by Danish network television on April 6, 2012. The interview, now viewed nearly 250,000 times, discusses the advanced nano-engineered residues found in the World Trade Center dust by an international team. These residues point to the use of nanothermite in the Towers’ destruction. Nanothermite was developed in the 1990s by US national laboratories and defense contractors, and takes advantage of the highly exothermic thermite reaction plus small particle size to increase the power of explosives and rocket fuels. These troubling new findings are shown in Gage’s presentation.

The convention takes place at the Colorado Convention Center, 700 14th Street, Denver June 21-22. The group is expected to be one of the only nonprofit organizations attending the convention.

Colorado Public Television to Air “Ethos: A Time for Change” Thursday, January 17, 2013

Colorado Public Television (CPT12) will air this excellent documentary this Thursday, January 17, 7:00 PM on Ethos_DVD1Channel 12.1. It will be streamed on the web only during this live airing.

Here is the link where you can see all of the repeats of the film,  and where you can stream it:

Please consider watching it and show your support by donating to our most independent station, one of the few willing to present subject matter the corporate media refuses to touch. [Read more…]

9/11: Explosive Evidence -Experts Speak Out: Follow-up Report on the Broadcasing Debut on Colorado Public Television

At, this powerful video ranked as the first Most Watched video for at least ten days, after which it ranked within the top eight Most Watched for weeks, and it was the first or second Most Shared video at this national website for weeks after it aired at Colorado Public Television, Channel 12 (CPT12) on August 18, 2012.

Until September 24, 2012, it was viewed in 179 different countries from many and disparate online sources. There were nearly 296,000 online views of the film; of these, there were nearly 95,000 unique views.*

UPDATE: By November 13, 2012 there were 957,361 views of the film; of these, there were 831,0121 unique views!*

To date, has over 50,000 hits on the Experts Speak Out webpage –a record breaker! There are  275 online comments–one of the highest number of comments for a specific program in the station’s history.

The vast majority of these comments were extremely positive, in which words such as “gratitude,” “courageous,” “thank you,” and “relief” were repeated time and again. These comments came from many states in our nation and from many countries around the world, including Austria, Australia, Canada, England, The Netherlands, Portugal, Germany, New Zealand, Denmark, and Ireland.

We are unaware of any hit pieces by the media appearing in response to this showing: such pieces did appear following some of the previous 9/11 Truth films aired by

Indeed, our small, independent Colorado station packs a big punch. So far, we can still view the film online, and we can still show our thanks to this station with our donations. This is a good time to alert your friends and family to this PBS special!

Purchasing copies of the two-DVD set at Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth and giving these as gifts with a respectful request for feedback is a very good option as well. In spite of the mainstream media’s near-blackout on this issue, our efforts are making a difference–thanks to all of you!

* Note: If a person restarts the program five times in one viewing session this counts as five views, but one unique view. [Read more…]