For those who may have missed the Denver premiere of the final edition of 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out, we will again show this 90-minute film in Denver and Boulder (for Grand Junction, see below). As before, we will have plenty of DVD copies for you to purchase for yourselves and your friends. It is without doubt one of the best films for those who believe the official story of 9/11 and who may still think that this is a fringe movement!
The film features forty-three technical experts from the nonprofit organization Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth who lay out the case for controlled demolition of the three World Trade Center (WTC) skyscrapers based on their individual areas of expertise in high-rise architecture, structural engineering, metallurgy, chemistry, physics, and controlled demolition.
Psychology professionals share their ideas about why the evidence discussed by the technical experts in the film has been difficult for many to face, and suggest how to make it easier to bring this information to others.
Family members of 9/11 victims also bring their viewpoints forward in explaining why they are urgently dissatisfied with the answers they’ve been given by our government, and they ask us to join them in listening to what these experts have to say. [Read more…]