Denver, Boulder, and Grand Junction Meetings: “Crisis of Civilization” September 2012

Breaking News! 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out has, for the last ten days, been the FIRST most watched and FIRST most shared video on the national PBS website–a surprise to us all!  Please use this opportunity to suggest to your friends to watch this excellent film at  PBS lends great credibility to all of our work, so now is the time to spread the word!
Thanks to you all!
The Colorado 9/11 Visibility Team

Program for September
Colorado 9/11 Visibility educates the public about information which clearly shows that we have been lied to about what happened on September 11, 2001. In doing so, we understand that there is a context which allows this kind of atrocity to occur. This month we are pleased to show The Crisis of Civilization which explores this bigger picture.

Video: The Crisis of Civilization (77 minutes)
What type of societal system actually requires “terrorists,” state-sponsored false flag operations and other deceptions, a controlled media and electoral process, the gutting of our civil liberties, environmental degradation, classism (dispossession of the majority and great privilege for the very few), economic and political instability, and yes, even war?

Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed is a brilliant political scientist, security analyst, and author who published the first 9/11 truth book, The War on Freedom, in 2002.  His ambitious documentary The Crisis of Civilization attempts to answer the question put forth above and discover the root cause of these symptoms.

Ahmed begins with the analysis that each crisis we face is but a symptom of a broader,  more systemic failure.   Industrial civilization, he tells us point blank, is unsustainable.  He connects the dots between international security issues, resource scarcity, peak oil, the food crisis, and Global Warming.  The film ends with an appeal to explore new forms of social organization which must emerge organically from each community.

We hope you will join us for a lively discussion after the film! [Read more…]

Media Article on “9/11: Experts Speak Out” in Grand Junction Free Press: “Colorado proud on 9/11”

T. KELLY: Colorado proud on 9/11

by Travis Kelly
Grand Junction Free Press Opinion Columnist

September 14, 2012

Colorado has gained two new reasons to be proud recently: While Mississippi retains its title as Fattest State in the nation (a reign almost as long Joe Paterno’s), Colorado is now the Slimmest State. Which means one of the healthiest. I guess there is not much to do in Mississippi except eat.

And only one state in the nation has been gutsy enough to broadcast a new documentary to the whole nation: 9/11: Explosive Evidence: Experts Speak Out, thanks to Colorado PBS Channel 12 in Denver. It will air again tonight at 10 p.m., or you can watch it online at

The documentary is a production of the lobbying group AE9/11 Truth (, an organization of over 1,600 professional architects and engineers who have all endorsed the group’s findings and signed a petition for a new investigation. These are no tinfoil hatters, but top experts in their field who dispute the official findings of the NIST (National Institute of Technology and Standards) and conclude that overwhelming evidence proves that internal demolitions were used to bring down the Twin Towers on 9/11. They are not alone: Other organizations supporting this conclusion include lawyers, firefighters, medical professionals, military officers, and pilots for 9/11 Truth, as well as a group of victims’ families.

I won’t belabor all the abundant evidence here — it is available in dozens of books, websites and videos. The links cited above are a good start. But I will examine a good deal of the history both pre- and post-9/11 that too many of my fellow citizens are blissfully ignorant of. [Read more…]

Colorado Public Television to Premiere World Trade Center Documentary 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out

UPDATE:  Not only is the film 9-11 Experts Speak Out being streamed online worldwide through September 2, but Colorado Public Television (CPT12) is also providing local encore airings of this film and of 9-11: Blueprint for Truth this week.  Please let your friends know these times, and if you have not, please donate whatever you can afford to CPT12 now!

Rebroadcast Times

Wednesday, August 29, 2012  8:30 PM  – 9-11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out – 90 minutes

Saturday, September 1, 2012  8:00 PM  –  9-11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out – 90 minutes

Saturday, September 1, 2012  9:30 PM  – 9-11: Blueprint for Truth – 120 minutes

Saturday, September 1, 2012   11:30 PM –  9-11: Blueprint for Truth – 120 minutes

Sunday, September 2, 2012  1:30 AM  –  9-11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out – 90 minutes

Note: Both Denver and Boulder monthly meetings will be cancelled this month!

We all have to be the media. Corporate-owned media has yet to present this content, but independent, gutsy Colorado Public Television (CPT12) will be premiering this excellent film–9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out–the only PBS station in our nation, so far, to do so. Let’s show CPT12 how very much we appreciate them!

Watch this documentary from anywhere in the world, call in (1-800-690-5234) to the station or login to donate telling them how much you appreciate their showing this film, share on Facebook or Twitter, make a comment online, and forward this announcement generously to your contacts–this needs to go around the world!

With the help of all of you, this will be a success!

Thank you!

Richard Gage, AIA, for the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth team,
Fran Shure for the Colorado 9/11 Visibility team


Colorado Public Television – Channel 12 (CPT12) airs the bold new documentary highlighting the grave concerns of 1,700 Architects and Engineers who are demanding a new investigation of the destruction of all three World Trade Center high-rises on 9/11. The DVD and other materials will be offered as pledge premiums during this season’s fund-raising drive. [Read more…]